
17th July 2017

Lessons from the Listen Learn Act project: final report now online


At the heart of any effective humanitarian project is the ability to listen, learn, and act on the feedback from those affected by crisis. But how do humanitarian actors ensure that quality and accountability commitments made by international organisations actually resonate with aid recipients?

This is the question that DanChurchAid, Save the Children Denmark, and Ground Truth Solutions set out to answer through the Listen Learn Act project funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). In an effort to help organisations establish systematic feedback practices, the project employed Ground Truth’s methodology to measure and improve compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) by asking affected people about the relevance of the services provided, the usefulness of existing complaints mechanisms, and the effectiveness of humanitarian organisations in using this feedback to improve their policies and programmes.

The final report, prepared by DanChurchAid, Save the Children and Ground Truth Solutions, presents the experiences of 15 humanitarian organisations and the communities they engaged with in Nepal, Lebanon, Ethiopia, and Mali. Reflections and recommendations are presented together with broader advocacy messages about the importance of continuing to strengthen accountability to affected people. For more details please check the full report here.