

DanChurch Aid (DCA) and Save the Children:
Listen Learn Act Project

As part of the Listen Learn Act project funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) with DanChurchAid and Save the Children Denmark, Ground Truth is looking to measure and improve compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) through the eyes of affected people. The CHS sets out nine commitments that all humanitarian organisations should adhere to. The project is being piloted in four different countries: Nepal, Mali, Ethiopia and Lebanon.

In Ethiopia, the Listen Learn Act team is working with Save the ChildrenPlan InternationalDanChurchAid and International Medical Corps, who are all providing different services to South Sudanese refugees in various camps in the western region of Gambella. Save the Children is supporting child well-being through the provision of child protection services, while Plan International runs an integrated project on emergency education, pre-school and child protection. DanChurchAid is offering fresh food vouchers to women to improve the nutritional status of refugee households. International Medical Corps is implementing community safety and security initiatives and providing case management and psychosocial support for survivors of gender-based violence.

Ground Truth designed individual feedback mechanisms to collect regular feedback from the constituents of the respective projects, which centre around the CHS commitments. Questions include the timeliness of the various services provided, the involvement of constituents in programme delivery and the extent to which constituents are treated with respect and dignity. The first round of data collection took place in July 2016 and the second round followed in November of the same year. The third and last round of data collection was completed in March 2017. 

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