

International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies

Ground Truth Solutions is partnering with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to track the perceptions of migrants and host communities through regular surveys in two pilot countries in Europe in order to inform Red Cross and Red Crescent operations aimed at reducing the vulnerability and suffering of migrants arriving in Europe.

In Italy, as an arrival country, the IFRC team is focusing on better understanding the experiences of newly arrived people and of those stranded along the migratory trail at three separate locations—including both reception centres and safe points—across the country. 

Ground Truth designed the questionnaires in cooperation with the IFRC and Croce Rossa, the Italian national society. Questions seek to gauge migrants’ perceptions across a range of issues, including safety, whether their opinions are taken into account, and general information provision, particularly their understanding of asylum procedures. The first round of data collection took place in December 2016 and second round followed in March 2017. The third and last round of data collection is due to take place in the first half of 2017. Data is collected by Italian Red Cross volunteers through face-to-face interviews.

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