
CHS Alliance & Ground Truth Solutions

Strengthening accountability to affected people and applying the Core Humanitarian Standard in Chad

The aim of the project is to include the views, perceptions and priorities of the affected people in the implementation of Chad’s Humanitarian Response Plan. The project, which is a collaborative effort between Ground Truth Solutions and the Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance, is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).

Chad is challenged by widespread poverty and low economic development and a range of interlinked humanitarian crises including internal displacement, food insecurity and malnutrition, a mounting burden of disease and associated mortality. Recurring humanitarian crises add a layer of misery to already vulnerable people, exacerbating their exposure to harm and reducing their resilience. GTS will systematically collect and analyse feedback from affected people on key dimensions of humanitarian performance linked to the Core Humanitarian Standard. Working with the CHS Alliance, the project will help develop capacity of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), national NGOs and other stakeholders to use the CHS as a framework to improve policies and processes around quality and accountability.

Ground Truth Solutions and the CHS Alliance will work with the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and HCT, including cluster representatives, to help them include feedback from affected people in monitoring implementation of the 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) while also providing evidence for the Humanitarian Needs Overview for the 2019 HRP. Throughout 2018, the aim is to enable the HC and HCT to track affected people’s perceptions of progress towards meeting their strategic objectives using findings from Ground Truth Solutions’ surveys. The focus is on providing perceptual data to inform the response on a continuing basis, updating the needs assessment in advance of the 2019 HRP, and providing an input to operational peer review and evaluation. The CHS Alliance, meanwhile, will work with its members in Chad and the rest of the HCT to assist them in developing the capacity to fulfil their commitments under the CHS.

During the inception phase starting in January 2018 GTS and the CHS Alliance are working closely with the HCT and the AAP Steering Committee in order the determine the precise focus areas and locations for the feedback collection. Data will be collected from affected people as well as field staff and partners in regular intervals until the end of the year.

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