

Nick van Praag
Executive Director
Nick van Praag set up Ground Truth Solutions in 2012. His previous career spans humanitarian and development work at the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the Aga Khan Development Network, and the World Bank. His interest in affected populations’ feedback and humanitarian performance stems from his work at the intersection of communication and public policy at the World Bank and his experience of humanitarian aid delivery at UNHCR.

Kai Hopkins
Senior Programme Manager
Kai Hopkins is a Senior Programme Manager at Ground Truth Solutions. He leads a variety of response-wide projects, such as our work on Ebola in Sierra Leone, and individual agency work, like with the International Rescue Committee. He is also a Senior Consultant at Keystone Accountability where he delivers on all client projects from Comparative Constituent Feedback projects to bespoke consultancy. Kai has worked at Keystone since 2011 and has been involved with Ground Truth from the outset, working on projects including in Pakistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Kenya, Europe and Haiti. Kai joined Keystone after three years as General Manager at Alliance magazine, which he led through a period of expansion. Alliance magazine is the leading publication on international philanthropy and social investment. Kai has an undergraduate degree in Politics and an MBA.

Michael Sarnitz
Senior Programme Manager
Michael Sarnitz is a Senior Programme Manager at Ground Truth Solutions. He primarily manages the OECD Grand Bargain Field Survey and Analysis Project, tracking the implementation and impact of Grand Bargain commitment by analysing perceptions of affected people and frontline staff in 6 diverse crisis settings around the world. In addition to driving various business development efforts, Michael is managing Ground Truth’s refugee projects in Austria and Ground Truth research efforts for the Mixed Migration Platform in Lebanon and Austria. Before joining Ground Truth, Michael worked at the International Peace Institute, McKinsey&Company and Partners Group.  Michael holds an M.A. in Finance and a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. 
Elias Sagmeister
Senior Programme Manager
Elias Sagmeister is a Senior Programme Manager at Ground Truth Solutions. He designs and implements projects to increase accountability to affected people with a range of humanitarian agencies. Before joining Ground Truth, Elias was a Project Manager at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin, where he is a non-resident fellow. He worked with humanitarian actors to develop systems for accountability and learning, particularly in conflict-affected environments. Past assignments included work for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the European Commission (DG ECHO), UNHCR and the German GIZ. Elias studied international development and economic psychology at the University of Vienna and received a postgraduate certificate from the Centre for Advanced Training in International Development at Humboldt University in Berlin. In his PhD, Elias focused on assessing the relevance of development and humanitarian projects.
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Konstantinos Liakos
Senior Finance Officer
Konstantinos is the Senior Finance Officer at Ground Truth Solutions. He manages finance related aspects, reporting and controlling on the projects. He started his career in the corporate sector and after several years changed to the humanitarian sector due to his interest in humanitarian work. Before joining Ground Truth Solutions, Konstantinos was the Finance Manager at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Greece. He holds a B.Sc. in Economics and a M.Sc. in Accounting and Auditing.
Eva Erlach
Operations Manager
Eva Erlach is the Operations Manager at Ground Truth Solutions. She is coordinating Ground Truth’s regular activities, including day-to-day management of various projects, team management, communications, and data analysis work. She has been with Ground Truth since 2013 and has worked on numerous projects including the pilots in Haiti and Pakistan, the work on the Ebola response in Sierra Leone, the Earthquake response in Nepal, the Listen Learn Act project with DCA, the Client Voice and Choice Initiative with IRC, our projects with the IFRC, Integrationshaus Vienna and the Mixed Migration Platform. Eva holds an undergraduate degree in Development Studies and a law degree from University of Vienna, where she specialized in human rights. She has volunteered on social projects in India and Uganda and has experience in the field of asylum law and domestic violence.
Tomas Folke
Chief Statistician
Tomas Folke is the Chief Statistician at Ground Truth Solutions. Tomas turns data into useable information by drawing plots, making tables or setting up Bayesian hierarchical models, depending on what the situation requires. He is also responsible for ensuring that the Ground Truth handles data quickly, responsibly and openly. When he doesn’t write Python code he probably works on his PhD in computational psychology at Cambridge University or reads a book on mathematics. 
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Sigrid Markl
Office Manager
Sigrid Markl is the Office Manager at Ground Truth Solutions, having joined the team in November 2017. With almost 30 years of experience in production management and chief editorship, she has previously worked on various cultural and multimedia projects for visitor centres, exhibitions and museums in Austria and Germany. At Ground Truth Solutions she is responsible for administrative support, ensuring that office operations and procedures run smoothly.
Rebecca Hetzer
Senior Programme Analyst
Rebecca Hetzer is a Senior Programme Analyst at Ground Truth Solutions. Rebecca began at Ground Truth as an intern in July 2016 and joined the team full-time as a programme analyst in early 2017. At Ground Truth she contributes to the analysis of data and the writing of reports, as well as communications. She studied history at Trinity College Dublin and has since worked at several NGOs and volunteered in Vienna, furthering her interest in various issues of social justice and human rights.  
Andrew Hassan
Senior Programme Analyst
Andrew Hassan is a Senior Programme Analyst at Ground Truth Solutions. He joined the Ground Truth Solutions team as a programme analyst in January 2017. Andrew’s interest in bottom-up approaches to aid assistance and social accountability was truly sparked during his graduate studies, during which he explored the benefits of adapting principles and concepts from the commercial sector for monitoring and evaluation in development. He holds his Master of Science in Development Management from the London School of Economics and his Bachelor of Arts in International Development Studies from McGill University.  
Valentina Shafina
Senior Programme Analyst
Valentina Shafina is a Senior Programme Analyst at Ground Truth Solutions. Starting as an intern at GTS, Valentina has been strongly involved in the projects with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), DanChurch Aid (DCA), OECD and Ground Truth’s pro bono project with Verein Projekt Integrationshaus in Vienna. With a background in sociology and international relations, Valentina contributes to the design of survey tools, data analysis as well as report production.  Following her interest in humanitarian work and mechanisms of downward accountability, she focuses on the outcomes of the World Humanitarian Summit in her dissertation. Valentina is originally from Russia, she has been studying in Germany and received diverse experiences at her previous jobs at the Research Centre for East European Studies and Chinese Outbound Tourism Research Institute.  
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Maximilian Seilern
Programme Analyst
Maximilian Seilern is a Programme Analyst at Ground Truth Solutions. Since having joined the team, Max’s contributions at GTS are largely focused on cash transfer programmes and affected peoples’ perceptions of available services. His interest in these issues were shaped by his work at a Greek refugee camp as well as his graduate studies. He holds a Master of Science in Global Governance and Ethics from University College London (UCL) and a Bachelor of Arts from Maastricht University. 
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Kai Kamei
Programme Analyst
Kai Kamei is a Programme Analyst at Ground Truth Solutions. Kai began as an intern in August 2017 and joined the team full-time as a programme analyst in February 2018. Kai’s interest in the perceptions and experiences of asylum seekers and refugees was shaped by her Master’s programme where she conducted in-depth interviews with refugee communities in the UK and Egypt. In addition to this, Kai has extensive voluntary experience in aid distribution and educational programmes with refugees in Edinburgh, Cairo, and Calais. She holds a Master of Science in Advanced Arabic from Edinburgh University and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences and Arabic from School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). 
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Isabella Leyh
Programme Analyst
Isabella Leyh is a Programme Analyst at Ground Truth Solutions. Her passion for strengthening accountability to affected populations in the humanitarian sector was shaped by her academic and practical experiences. In her master’s thesis she explored to what extent INGO branding could be used to include affected people in dialogue and ultimately in the decisions that govern their lives. Working for an NGO in Lima, Peru, and in a refugee camp on Leros, Greece, further reinforced her commitment to accountability to those at the receiving end of aid. She holds a Bachelor of Science in International Business from Maastricht University, a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Modern History from the University of Manchester and a Master of Science in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).