

DanChurch Aid (DCA) and Save the Children:
Listen Learn Act Project

As part of the Listen Learn Act project funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) with DanChurchAid and Save the Children Denmark, Ground Truth is looking to measure and improve compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) through the eyes of affected people. The CHS sets out nine commitments that all humanitarian organisations should adhere to. The project is being piloted in four different countries: Nepal, Mali, Ethiopia and Lebanon.

In Nepal, the Listen Learn Act team is working with Save the Children, Plan International and ECO-Nepal, who are all working with earthquake affected communities to help them in their recovery. Save the Children is providing support in shelter, livelihoods, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, construction of health facilities, child protection and education to affected communities in Gorkha and Nuwakot districts. Plan International runs a water, sanitation and hygiene project in Sindupalchowk. ECO-Nepal, a partner of DanChurchAid, supports communities through cash distribution for transitional shelters, livelihoods rehabilitation, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion and psychosocial support in Gorkha.

Ground Truth designed individual feedback mechanisms to collect regular feedback from the constituents of the respective projects, which centre around the CHS commitments. Questions include the timeliness of the various services provided, the involvement of constituents in programme delivery and the extent to which constituents are treated with respect and dignity. Data collection for the first round took place in March 2016, the second round followed in June and the third and last round was completed in November 2016.

Project Partners

Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project

After the devastating earthquakes in April and May 2015 we operated as part of this Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project, a common effort to track perceptions and push for better communication with affected communities. Partnering with two local NGOs (Accountability Lab and LIG), Ground Truth’s role was to provide the government of Nepal and aid agencies with real-time feedback from affected people, and recommendations based on that feedback. Having designed and implemented the community perception surveys, and analysed and reported on the first 3 rounds of data, Ground Truth stepped down from the Common Feedback Project. We helped build the capacity of our local partners so they can continue the work.

We worked with Integrity Action and their local affiliate, Youth Initiative, to turn the feedback data into a tool for community mobilization around key issues revealed by it.

The overarching goal was to give people affected by the earthquake a voice and allow them to influence the implementation of humanitarian programming.


Front Line Worker Survey
Community Survey

Project Partners