

International Rescue Committee (IRC):
Client Voice and Choice Initiative

Under the Client Voice and Choice (CVC) initiative, IRC has partnered with Ground Truth to explore ways to more systematically capture and bring client perspectives into its programming. The initiative is piloted in four different countries: South Sudan, Syria, Kenya, and Greece.

In Greece, Ground Truth has designed a mechanism to collect regular feedback from the clients of both the IRC WASH and Protection programmes across four camps in the North. The survey focuses on questions like access to services, the quality of those services and if they are treatment with respect and dignity.

The first round of data collection took place in July 2016, with subsequent rounds conducted in September and November of the same year. 


CVC Surveys

Project Partners

Mixed Migration Platform (MMP)

Ground Truth Solutions is one of the seven NGOs that have jointly launched a mixed migration platform to deliver research, analysis and policy recommendations for a better understanding of mixed migration patterns in the Middle East and Europe and to enhance the protection of, and information available to, people on the move. The Mixed Migration Platform (MMP), funded by the UK’s Department for International Development and the Switzerland’s Federal Department for Foreign Affairs (FDFA), is an initiative that aims to provide quality information and protection-sensitive analysis to improve decision-making, both for people on the move through the Middle East and Europe, as well as for host governments and humanitarian organisations who are involved in the response.

Ground Truth Solutions’ contribution to the platform is a real time collection and analysis of feedback about the perceptions of people in different stages of displacement (borderlands, transit countries and countries of final destination). The special focus of the surveys in Greece was on unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) and their perceptions of the assistance they receive from humanitarian agencies. This report presents the findings of a survey commissioned by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) to improve care and protection of UASC in Greece and the Balkans. 

The issued report can be downloaded below.


Unaccompanied & Separated Children Survey

Project Partners