
International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies

Tracking perceptions of migrants in Europe

Ground Truth Solutions has partnered with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to track the perceptions of migrants through regular surveys in two pilot countries in Europe in order to inform Red Cross and Red Crescent operations aimed at reducing the vulnerability and suffering of migrants arriving in Europe.

Ground Truth’s Constituent Voice® methodology is applied at two different stages in the migratory trail: in a transit country – Italy – and in a country of final destination – Austria. In Italy, Ground Truth’s work with the Red Cross focuses on better understanding the experiences of newly arrived people as well as those awaiting a ruling on their asylum request or having received a refugee or other protection status. Surveys are conducted with migrants at reception facilities in Turin and Rome as well as a ‘safe point’ or help desk in Sicily. In Austria, in addition to tracking the perceptions of refugees using Red Cross counselling services on family reunification, the Austrian Red Cross team is also seeking feedback from staff members and volunteers at the headquarters and in nine regional branches to improve its service offering.  

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