
Cash Barometer

Cash Barometer now online

Ground Truth Solutions and the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) have launched the Cash Barometer, a unique and practical informational tool to assist the international community in the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The Cash Barometer monitors how people affected by humanitarian crises – refugees, asylum seekers, or victims of natural disasters – perceive the direct distribution of cash as an alternative to (or used in tandem with) other forms of aid. The Cash Barometer collects and analyses this feedback from multiple locations around the world, encourages dialogue among those in need as well as field staff, and uses the results to help aid agencies and donors fine tune policies and programmes to maximise the potential of humanitarian aid through cash distributions.

Afghanistan was chosen for the trial run of the Cash Barometer, where aid agencies last year successfully implemented cash-based programmes throughout the country and have committed to increasing distributions in 2017. Some 600 participants, most of whom received some sort of cash assistance, were surveyed in Kabul, Nangarhar, and Helmand provinces in May 2017. The survey included those who received other types of aid as well as non-recipients. To see the results from this pilot, visit

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