

International Rescue Committee (IRC):
Client Voice and Choice Initiative

Under the Client Voice and Choice (CVC) initiative, IRC has partnered with Ground Truth to explore ways to more systematically capture and bring client perspectives into its programming. The initiative is piloted in four different countries: South Sudan, Syria, Kenya, and Greece.

In Kenya, Ground Truth has designed a mechanism to collect regular feedback from the clients of IRC’s health programme in the Kakuma refugee camp near the South Sudan border. The camp has been there since 1991 and mainly includes refugees from South Sudan, Sudan and Somalia. The survey focuses the community health promotion component of the programme and includes questions on discrimination, being treated with respect and dignity, and the impact of health messaging. The survey complements existing processes which collect feedback from those visiting the health facilities in the camp. IRC Kenya will apply Ground Truth’s methodology cycle to both the existing and the new data streams.

The first round of data collection started in May 2016, followed by a second round in July, with the final round completed in November 2016.
