
South Sudan

International Rescue Committee (IRC):
Client Voice and Choice Initiative

Under the Client Voice and Choice (CVC) initiative, IRC has partnered with Ground Truth to explore ways to more systematically capture and bring client perspectives into its programming. The initiative is piloted in four different countries: South Sudan, Syria, Kenya, and Greece.

In South Sudan, Ground Truth has designed a mechanism to collect regular feedback from the clients of two IRC programmes: 

– The first is a protection programme in the IDP camps (PoCs) in the capital Juba, where IRC provided information about available services in the camps. The survey focused on questions like safe access, treatment with respect & dignity, and empowerment. 

– The second programme is a health programme (Integrated Community Case Management, iCCM) run by IRC in Northern Bhar El Ghazal. Caretakers of children under 5 are asked, for example, whether they are happy with the services received and whether it would help prevent their children from getting sick again. 

The first rounds of data collection started in November 2015, followed by two more rounds until April 2016. 


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