

Mixed Migration Platform (MMP) 

Ground Truth Solutions is one of the seven NGOs that have jointly launched a mixed migration platform to deliver research, analysis and policy recommendations for a better understanding of mixed migration patterns in the Middle East and Europe and to enhance the protection of, and information available to, people on the move. The Mixed Migration Platform (MMP), funded by the UK’s Department for International Development and the Switzerland’s Federal Department for Foreign Affairs (FDFA), is an initiative that aims to provide quality information and protection-sensitive analysis to improve decision-making, both for people on the move through the Middle East and Europe, as well as for host governments and humanitarian organisations who are involved in the response. 

Ground Truth Solutions’ contribution to the platform is a real time collection and analysis of feedback about the perceptions of people in different stages of displacement (borderlands, transit countries and countries of final destination). The focus of the surveys is on people’s experience as refugees, asylum seekers and migrants and their perceptions of the assistance they receive from humanitarian agencies.

In Turkey, surveys are administered in three different parts of the country: in Istanbul, Gaziantep and Izmir. A quantitative round of surveys have been completed in all three provinces, followed by focus group discussions, delving deeper into issues surfaced in the surveys. Reports issued so far can be downloaded below.


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