
Putting people first in humanitarian operations

Ground Truth Solutions provides humanitarian agencies with direct feedback from people affected by crisis. We amplify the voices of refugees, internally displaced people, asylum seekers, and victims of natural disasters – allowing organisations to systematically integrate this vital information into relief programmes around the world. Accurate, unbiased information, collected on the ground and in real time, allows aid agencies to take better decisions and to provide the right support.

UN agencies, NGOs, as well as the Red Cross movement can use this feedback as a tool to manage and shape projects as they are being rolled out and to maximise their effectiveness. Donors can use the information to track how and where their support is making a difference. And those in need of assistance and protection are better served, where their views are fully taken into account. 

To learn more about our mission, click here.

Where we work

News and commentary

DSC_0014 When humanitarian trust is lost - News reports of exploitative behaviour by aid staff in Haiti raise important issues for all agencies involved in humanitarian relief. Such transgressions are... Read More

The tyranny of humanitarian mandates

  As the global humanitarian system slips into late middle age, it is time to take stock of both the rationale and relevance of the mandates that continue to dictate power relations in the humani…
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